True Education... is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers


Ellen G. White, Ed page 13


Picturesque, cool, and comfortable


Spiritual, mental, and social development


Enhancing the learning experience to be more optimal


Located in various countries and throughout Indonesia

True Education... is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers


Ellen G. White, Ed page 13


Picturesque, cool, and comfortable


Spiritual, mental, and social development


Enhancing the learning experience to be more optimal


Located in various countries and throughout Indonesia

True Education... is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers


Ellen G. White, Ed page 13


Picturesque, cool, and comfortable


Spiritual, mental, and social development


Enhancing the learning experience to be more optimal


Located in various countries and throughout Indonesia

Message from the President
Dr. Milton T. Pardosi, M.A.R.

Universitas Advent Indonesia (UNAI) is a Higher Education institution managed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Indonesian Union of Western Regions.


  • Published On: September 16, 2023Views: 6

    Pada hari Sabat, tanggal 16 September 2023, Choir Voice of Covenant (VC) dengan sukacita melaksanakan pelayanan ke dua gereja, yaitu Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh (GMAHK) Tebet dan GMAHK Menteng. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari […]

  • Published On: September 11, 2023Views: 185

    Pada hari Senin, 11 September 2023 telah dilaksanakan sebuah kegiatan sosialisasi yang sangat penting mengenai peraturan Badan Pengawas Pemilu (BAWASLU) terkait dengan pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024. Acara ini berlangsung di Theatre Room Universitas Advent Indonesia […]

  • Published On: September 10, 2023Views: 238

    Pada hari Jumat – Minggu, tanggal 8 – 10 September 2023 Alumni Angkatan ’91 Universitas Advent Indoneisa kembali ke almamater mereka. Para alumni yang telah berkembang dan sukses dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan ini, mengunjungi kampus […]

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Foreign Students

As an alumnus of UNAI's Information Systems program, I am grateful that studying at UNAI had a great impact on my career. It gave me a strong foundation to work in the field of information technology and business management. The knowledge and guidance from lecturers and faculty, teaching methods that are suitable for the times, good social and spiritual values are very helpful for me to become a competent person at work, can provide good value for the company and colleagues, become a good decision maker and can be a light everywhere.

Garry Bersnov Nicodemus Ujudeda, Traveloka - Senior Quality Engineer

I chose UNAI because at unai we are required to socialize with each other, especially in the dormitory. We are required not to be selfish and share with our friends. Besides the dormitory, I like the environment at UNAI, where UNAI has fresh air and beautiful nature, which allows me to be more enthusiastic in doing lecture activities.

Jeremy Panjaitan, Sinarmas Mining - Software Engineer

I completed my studies for a degree in English Education in 2020. I highly recommend that you study at UNAI because our spirituality in God will always be led, in addition to receiving a decent education. My current employer is Tanjung Barat Adventist School. However, I have previously worked for PT. Prasamanindo Boga Utama based site British School Jakarta as Finance Administration and PT. Nawa Jaya Indonesia as Finance Secretary based side in Kendari & Balikpapan. I can vouch for the employability of English majors in businesses. I’m honored to have graduated from the English Language Education.

Pamela Nova Julianti Sagala, Tanjung Barat Adventist School Teacher