Faculty of Nursing


Graduates of the Nursing Science Program at Universitas Advent Indonesia excel in a holistic approach to health care. They are trained to integrate attitudes, knowledge, and skills in the nursing process, in accordance with Christian values.

A Holistic Approach:

Students will learn and understand holistic nursing, which involves aspects of Attitude, Knowledge, and Skill. UNAI Faculty of Nursing is committed to filling the gap in Indonesia by integrating these three aspects in the educational process.

Competent Lecturer:

Competent and experienced lecturers from various universities, both at home and abroad, support student development. Each student is mentored by a lecturer in charge of a particular course and supported by experienced laboratory staff.

Scholarship Opportunities:

This program provides scholarship opportunities for outstanding students, as well as providing financial support to the underprivileged according to the criteria set by the UNAI campus.

Interactive Lecture Environment:

Learning involves a variety of methods, including lectures, small group discussions, and problem-solving-based approaches. Students can practice in various laboratories and clinics, such as the Basic Nursing Laboratory, Medical-Surgical laboratory, and others.

Full Facilities:

The well-equipped campus facilities include conducive dormitories, sports fields and a cafeteria that serves healthy food. All this creates an optimal learning environment.

Address : Jl. Kolonel Masturi No.288, Cihanjuang Rahayu, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559
Telp : +62 877-8391-8408
Fax :
E-mail : fik@unai.edu
Website : https://fik.unai.edu/

Study Program

Bachelor (S1)

  • Nursing

Diploma (D3)

  • Nursing


  • Nursing

Magister (S2)

  • Master of Nursing

Graduate Learning Outcome

  • Accreditation B

Persyaratan Dokumen

Form Registrasi

S1/D3 (MABA)

  • Report Sem 5-6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Luar Negri (MABA)

  • Ijazah SMA Luar Negeri
  • Penyetaraan Ijazah Luar Negeri
  • Daftar Nilai SMA Luar Negeri
  • Akta Kelahiran Luar Negeri
  • Student Visa
  • Passport Photo 4×6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Pindahan

  • Report Sem 5-6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Paket C

  • Ijazah Paket C
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Daftar Nilai Paket C

Profesi (MABA)

  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Transkrip S1
  • Ijazah S1

S2 Keperawatan (MABA)

  • Ijazah Profesi
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Surat Pernyataan Keaslian Dokumen
  • Formulir Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  • Rekomendasi Kelayakan Akademik
  • Proyeksi Keinginan
  • Surat Izin Belajar (Optional)
  • Transkrip S1
  • Ijazah S1
  • Transkrip Profesi

Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL)

  • Ijazah D3
  • Dokumen Tambahan D3
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Transkrip D3
Form Data Diri

D3/S1/S2/Profesi/RPL/Mahasiswa Paket C/Pindahan

  • Foto KTP/Passport Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Wali Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ayah Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ibu Kandung Calon Mahasiswa
  • Sertifikat Baptis Calon Mahasiswa (khusus Anggota GMAHK)

Mahasiswa Luar Negri

  • Foto KTP/Passport Calon MABA
  • VISA Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ibu Kandung Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ayah Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Wali Calon MABA
  • Sertifikat Baptis Calon MABA (khusus Anggota GMAHK)