Faculty of Philosophy

The Faculty of Philosophy at Adventist University of Indonesia is the second oldest faculty within the university. This faculty was established to prepare pastors and teachers of the Gospel for the needs of the ministry within the Church.
Seventh-day Adventist Church (GMAHK) specifically in Indonesia. The Faculty of Philosophy of Adventist University of Indonesia is fully committed to educating, teaching and training its students, both in theory and practice, to become pastors and pastoralists.
guru-guru Injil yang berkomitmen, jujur, dapat diandalkan, terampil dan setia kepada panggilan pelayanan. Dengan 2 program studi yaitu Sarjana Ilmu Filsafat dan Magister Ilmu Filsafat, yang telah terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan
Higher education, the curriculum provided is a KKNI-based curriculum (Indonesian National Qualification Framework).

Bachelor of Philosophy:

The Bachelor of Philosophy prepares students for Theological Seminary and further training towards full-time gospel ministry. It lays a solid foundation in the areas of biblical languages, exegesis, and theology, practical theology and ministry, history, and theology.
Christian Church with an emphasis on the Seventh-day Adventist movement, and systematic doctrine and theology, including ethics.

Master of Philosophy:

Dan dalam program Magister Ilmu Filsafat, yaitu program lanjutan Sarjana ilmu Filsafat, yang memiliki dua konsentrasi yaitu, konsentrasi Ministry; dimana Mahasiswa diperlengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk dapat melayani dan merencakanan model pelayanan yang
according to the needs of the times, and also the Counseling Concentration which teaches students services through counseling.

Address : Jl. Kolonel Masturi No.288, Cihanjuang Rahayu, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559
Telp : +62 877-8391-8408
Fax :
E-mail : ffil@unai.edu
Website : https://ffil.unai.edu/

Study Program

Bachelor (S1)

  • Philosophy

Magister (S2)

  • Magister FIlsafat

Graduate Learning Outcome

  • Accreditation B

Persyaratan Dokumen

Form Registrasi

S1/D3 (MABA)

  • Report Sem 5-6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Luar Negri (MABA)

  • Ijazah SMA Luar Negeri
  • Penyetaraan Ijazah Luar Negeri
  • Daftar Nilai SMA Luar Negeri
  • Akta Kelahiran Luar Negeri
  • Student Visa
  • Passport Photo 4×6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Pindahan

  • Report Sem 5-6
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6

Mahasiswa Paket C

  • Ijazah Paket C
  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Daftar Nilai Paket C

S2 Filsafat (MABA)

  • Pas Photo Formal 4×6
  • Transkrip Nilai S1
  • Ijazah S1
Form Data Diri

D3/S1/S2/Profesi/RPL/Mahasiswa Paket C/Pindahan

  • Foto KTP/Passport Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Wali Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ayah Calon Mahasiswa
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ibu Kandung Calon Mahasiswa
  • Sertifikat Baptis Calon Mahasiswa (khusus Anggota GMAHK)

Mahasiswa Luar Negri

  • Foto KTP/Passport Calon MABA
  • VISA Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ibu Kandung Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Ayah Calon MABA
  • Foto KTP/Passport Wali Calon MABA
  • Sertifikat Baptis Calon MABA (khusus Anggota GMAHK)