Faculty And Postgraduate Program


Universitas Advent Indonesia has 6 (six) Faculties and Postgraduate Programs, namely:

  1. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)
  2. Faculty of Philosophy (FFil)
  3. Faculty of Economics (FE)
  4. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)
  5. Faculty of Nursing Science (FIK)
  6. Faculty of Information Technology (FTI)

Each faculty and PPS has the following Study Programs:

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) consists of study programs:

  • English Language Education (Bachelor Program)
  • Mathematics Education (Undergraduate Program)

The Faculty of Philosophy (FFil) has Study Programs:

  • Philosophy (Bachelor Program)
  • Master of Philosophy

The Faculty of Economics (FE) has Study Programs:

  • Accounting (Bachelor Program)
  • Digital Business (Bachelor Program)
  • Management (Bachelor Program)
  • Master of Management

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has Study Programs:

  • Biology (Bachelor Program)
  • Pharmacy (Bachelor Program)

The Faculty of Nursing (FIK) has Study Programs:

  • Nursing Science (Bachelor Program)
  • General Nursing (Diploma-III Program)
  • NERS Profession (Professional Program)
  • Master of Nursing

The Faculty of Information Technology (FTI) has Study Programs:

  • Information Engineering (Bachelor Program)
  • Information Systems (Bachelor Program)