
Based on the philosophy, vision and mission, Indonesian Adventist University sets the following general educational goals:

  • Spiritual Development

Instill awareness about the importance of recognizing and maintaining a relationship with God in order to know and understand the meaning of human life and the essence of true knowledge that comes from God.

  • Development of Intelligence or Intellect

Build a desire to seek and discover scientific truths by using thinking skills. Develop thinking skills through problem solving exercises, case analysis, or research and drawing rational conclusions.

  • Development of Ethical and Moral Values

Increase knowledge about ethical and moral values to form individuals who are commendable, loyal, honest, and able to respect the rights and opinions of others.

  • Development of Social and Community Relations

Increase awareness and practice of relationships between humans to live with mutual benefit and mutual respect

  • Development of Love for Nation and Country

Increase awareness of love for the Nation, State and Government, by understanding the principles of state life and appreciation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

  • Development of Appreciation for Arts and Culture

Increase appreciation for art, culture and beauty, such as literature, music, dance, and so on.

  • Development of Physical and Health Care

Increase knowledge of health principles and healthy body maintenance practices. Also increases awareness about the relationship between the influence of physical health on mental health and spiritual health.

  • Skill Development

Improving skills and work experience is one of the preparation capital for pursuing a career in the future. Skills education complements the theoretical education obtained in lectures.