Students Club

Universitas Advent Indonesia has many leadership development units and student organizations. These groups are scattered within the scope of the organization, starting from the study program, faculty, to the university. These include Student Activity Unit (UKM).

UKM is a forum for developing student soft skills based on interests and talents. Available Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Himpunan Mahasiswa (HIMA) tiap Fakultas, dan 5 pengelompokan UKM yang ada di UNAI. Yakni UKM Seni dan Budaya consists of 10 organizations, UKM in the field of Reasoning with 10 organizations, UKM in the field of Sports consists of 5 organizations, UKM in the field of Sports. Leadership and Community Service with 7 organizations, and UKM Association consists of 8 organizations.

At Universitas Advent Indonesia, we offer a variety of clubs for students to join according to their personal interests. Run by students for students, whatever your interests, you're sure to find a club to suit. Join a Student Activity Unit - this is the best way to enjoy your college experience here with new friends at UNAI!