

The Rector indirectly assists the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in the field of his duties, in addition to his position as the leader of Universitas Advent Indonesia. In carrying out his daily duties, the Rector is assisted by 3 (three) Vice Rectors who are under and directly responsible to the Rector, namely Vice Rector 1 for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector 2 for Finance, and Vice Rector 3 for Student Affairs.

Rector Management

Dr. Milton Pardosi, M.A.R.

Vice President of Academic Affairs :
Prof. Caroline V. Katemba, MA., TESL Ph.D

Vice President of Finance :
Harlyn L. Siagian, SE., M.B.A., Ph.D

Vice President of Student Affairs :
Yunus Elon, S.Kep.,Ns.,MSN